Gellerup Cirkus Festival

Cirkus Tværs præsenterer stolt årets store cirkus event i Gellerup!

I august og september måned kan du opleve danske og internationale artister som optræder med de vildeste stunts og smukkeste forestillinger.

Festivalen er støttet af:

Cirkus Tværs Gellerup AAK logo
Gellerup Kulturmidler
Cirkus Tværs Gellerup SKC logo ny1
Sports- og kulturcampus
Cirkus Tværs Gellerup GAF logo l
Gellerup Art Factory

Copenhagen Collective -“The Genesis”(DK/International) 120,- kr.

Spiller 15. + 16. august kl 20.00 på: Godsbanen, Rå Hal, 8000 Aarhus C
15. + 16. aug.

We live in a time seemingly full of strife, conflict and division. Us against them, people against people, nations against nations, cultures against cultures. Human life as a zero-sum game where someone’s gain can only be achieved through someone else’s loss. We believe there is another way. A way where our capacity of love and care is stronger than our animosity, our capacity of understanding and compassion more resilient than our divisions and our differences are celebrated and become our strength.

20 individuals from different nations and cultures (Denmark, Australia, Peru, Canada, UK, Uruguay, Finland, Spain, Chile, Portugal, USA, Germany, Brazil, Ireland, France) have come together to form Copenhagen Collective, a brand new acrobatic collective in Copenhagen. Their first production – The Genesis – talks about how we all relate to each other and how we are intrinsically dependent on each other.

Link til deres hjemmeside:


Spiller 29. august kl 17.00 på: Verdenspladsen i Gellerup - GRATIS ADGANG
29. aug.

From the very beginning the company has wanted their shows to be performed all around the world. Their slogan is “the odyssey for the pleasure of making people laugh”. Through these years the company has participated in more than one hundred festivals in 32 countries of America, Europe and Asia.

Claudio Martinez is a Chilean artist, clown, jester, corporal mime, juggler and tightrope walker. He has interpreted different solo performances, some of them are: “Petit” (2015) – “Fatiga, la mémoire des objets” (2022/23). All of these shows are suitable for different audiences, and the language used in these shows seek to be universal with the purpose of transcends language barriers, and it is communicated through the body, humor and proximity with the audience.


Link til deres hjemmeside:

TRIO WISE FOOLS ”Trashpeze” (Finland/Sydafrika)

Spiller 4. september kl 17.00 på: Verdenspladsen i Gellerup - GRATIS ADGANG
4. sept.

We are Wise Fools

A circus trio specialised in aerial acrobatics
We are an all female circus trio established in 2014. We come from Tampere in Finland and Cape Town in South Africa. We met while studying in École Supérieure des Arts du Cirque in Brussels.

Wise Fools is a Finnish-South-African all female circus trio. Valpuri Kaarninen and Maria Peltola started circus in the Finnish Sorin Sirkus while Jaimee Allen started circus in the Zip Zap Circus in Cape Town in South Africa. All of them received their professional training in École Superieure des Arts du Cirque (ESAC) in Belgium. The Finns Maria and Valpuri graduated from ESAC in 2014 with an original triple trapeze number. During the three years they developed a style where two catchers swing and toss one flyer. Jaimee graduated in 2017 with her powerful cloud swing act and joined the trio directly after graduation.

OBS: 3. sep. afholder de workshop i deres 8 m høje trapez stativ også på Verdenspladsen!

Link til deres hjemmeside:

Société Protectrice de Petites - Cow Love (Frankrig)

Spiller 19. september kl 19.00 i Cirkus Tværs' sal i Gellerup - GRATIS ADGANG
19. sept.

COW LOVE is an absurd corner, joining high fashion of sports, the sour taste of milk, songs that never will be a huge hit, plastic flowers and caprice of love. A children’s game in a sickening schizophrenia, the burning side of our finest obsessions : «Chronic stupidity, the pleasure of imperfection».Cirkus Tværs Gellerup CowLove

This project was born accidentally in July 2012 in a small Argentine garage.

An attempt at spontaneous and experimental creation after a less than optimistic diagnosis : shoulder dislocation and meniscus surgery.

The rules of the game were simple:
accept every little idea as construction material.

Link til deres hjemmeside:

Project COIN ”Monique” (Frankrig)

Spiller 26. september kl 19.00 i Cirkus Tværs' sal i Gellerup - GRATIS ADGANG
Workshop 25. aug. i Cirkus Tværs' sal!
26. sept.

25. aug. afholder de workshop i cirkus Tværs sal

Håber at I alle har lyst til at se med når den tid kommer…

Hilsen Christina og Søren – Cirkus Tværs